just got the John Mark McMillan Cd in the mail... holy goodness. So much truth in it. It's a wonderful mix of folk-rock that makes you want to drive down a dirt road, windows down, blasting the music and weeping at the truth found in it. It is provacative and the heart behind it is something that the mainstream-western-church is in desperate need of.
favorite song so far....
Come closer, closer to me.
Find me broken, find me bleedin'
cause I need more now than a fairy tale,
a god who lives in a book.
I need someone real.
So would you come?
Would you come?
If i begged you, would you come closer to me now?
Come closer, closer to me.
Find me broken, find me on my knees,
cause I need more now than philosophy.
Some god in outer space doesn't mean anything to me.
So would you come?
Would you come?
If I begged you, would you come closer to me now?
Would you come?
Would you come?
If i begged you, would you come closer to me now?
Son of David, do not pass me by,
cause I am naked,
I'm poor and I'm blind.
Son of david, don't pass me by,
cause I am naked,
I'm poor and I'm blind.
go there and listen to it. Oofda (that was so Minnesotain of me...)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I'm keeping it light, today.
If you are a cyclist, you might appreciate this...
"While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium." http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
politics meet faith and values?
I decided today would be the day that I start checking in on the 2008 presidential candidates. I have just been poking around on Yahoo! NEWS. I don't know nearly enough about any of the candidates, so each day I think I will go onto every candidates web page and take a look through their issues, and then find some information about them from a non-biased source.
Today is Barak Obama.
I watched his speech on politics and religion and he said some things that were right on, however he also said some things that were way, way off. There is grace for that. Not any one presidential candidate will be 100% right... it will just be interesting to find the one who has the general "gist" of balanced politics.
Today is Barak Obama.
I watched his speech on politics and religion and he said some things that were right on, however he also said some things that were way, way off. There is grace for that. Not any one presidential candidate will be 100% right... it will just be interesting to find the one who has the general "gist" of balanced politics.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
as some of you know, I am into graphic design, photography, marketing and communication. I get particularly frustrated when a church has terrible marketing and communication. I ran across this web page today.... check it out.
Graphic Design,
The Church
Friday, May 25, 2007
drum roll please...... I would like to announce my acceptance to St. Stephens University's affiliated program; The Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies.
The school is located in New Brunswick, Canada. The program is 1 year, and the certificate recived is applicable to another 3 years at SSU. Class starts September 6!
So hey everyone... I'm moving to the east coast in August!
The school is located in New Brunswick, Canada. The program is 1 year, and the certificate recived is applicable to another 3 years at SSU. Class starts September 6!
So hey everyone... I'm moving to the east coast in August!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
rip angelina
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
doctrine, eh?
By this all people will know you are my disciples, by our doctrine.
opps wait, let's re-think that.
I have been reading different church's doctrine for the past few days. Where in the bible does it say that we have to hold strong to this perfect doctrine? Don't get me wrong it is important to have a statement of faith but no one has the perfect doctrine. Not one church that I can think of, not one doctrine that I have read. Each one tho, has had peices of what I have found to be true of our Father in heaven. That is encouraging.
I think the apostle Paul would be really, really angry at us right now. If he saw how we are taking his letters, which are really just his testimony to what he knows to be true of the living God, and splitting his words, fighting over them and making them this doctrinal thing he probably wouldn't have even written them. I can only imagine what type of letter he would be writting to the church today. And who said that the bible is this almighty thing we are supposed to fallow? Wait, rethink that. I know and believe the bible to be true, and it is God given to us for a purpose. But the New Testiment isn't over. We are the New Testiment. The "bible" ie testimony of God's faithfulness to us, isn't done being written. Each and every one of us is writting our testimony as we fallow God when he speaks to us. Paul wasn't looking at the old testiment (at least not often since it was tough to get your hands on a scroll) as he wrote his letters to the churchs however many years ago. He was hearing from God. Because yes, we have a God that speaks.
God affirms us through the bible, but He also says things that can't be found in the bible. Example would be me saying, "Hey God, I really want to get that 2003 pontiac vibe. Is that cool?" If God only said things that are found in the bible it would go something like this... "_______________." Yea He would say nothing because there arn't cars in the bible. But here's the thing... just because it cant be found in the bible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Scary, isn't it? God is a black and white God, but we live in a grey world that we have to allow Him to speak into. There are things now that weren't found back when Paul was around. God is the same God but we are a different time, and He will speak to us. If we hold onto this "only if it's in the bible thing" then we are missing what God might have for us, and really we are just guessing. But if we fallow what Jesus says in the gospel of John "my sheep will hear My voice" we will begin to come into the fullness of what our Father in heaven has for us.
So let's get rid of this doctrinal thing. Let's love God, desire to hear Him (or ask Him to instill in us a desire to hear Him) and love eachother. Let's fallow the things He speaks to us, whether that be through the bible or through His voice unto our hearts.
opps wait, let's re-think that.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35
I have been reading different church's doctrine for the past few days. Where in the bible does it say that we have to hold strong to this perfect doctrine? Don't get me wrong it is important to have a statement of faith but no one has the perfect doctrine. Not one church that I can think of, not one doctrine that I have read. Each one tho, has had peices of what I have found to be true of our Father in heaven. That is encouraging.
I think the apostle Paul would be really, really angry at us right now. If he saw how we are taking his letters, which are really just his testimony to what he knows to be true of the living God, and splitting his words, fighting over them and making them this doctrinal thing he probably wouldn't have even written them. I can only imagine what type of letter he would be writting to the church today. And who said that the bible is this almighty thing we are supposed to fallow? Wait, rethink that. I know and believe the bible to be true, and it is God given to us for a purpose. But the New Testiment isn't over. We are the New Testiment. The "bible" ie testimony of God's faithfulness to us, isn't done being written. Each and every one of us is writting our testimony as we fallow God when he speaks to us. Paul wasn't looking at the old testiment (at least not often since it was tough to get your hands on a scroll) as he wrote his letters to the churchs however many years ago. He was hearing from God. Because yes, we have a God that speaks.
God affirms us through the bible, but He also says things that can't be found in the bible. Example would be me saying, "Hey God, I really want to get that 2003 pontiac vibe. Is that cool?" If God only said things that are found in the bible it would go something like this... "_______________." Yea He would say nothing because there arn't cars in the bible. But here's the thing... just because it cant be found in the bible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Scary, isn't it? God is a black and white God, but we live in a grey world that we have to allow Him to speak into. There are things now that weren't found back when Paul was around. God is the same God but we are a different time, and He will speak to us. If we hold onto this "only if it's in the bible thing" then we are missing what God might have for us, and really we are just guessing. But if we fallow what Jesus says in the gospel of John "my sheep will hear My voice" we will begin to come into the fullness of what our Father in heaven has for us.
So let's get rid of this doctrinal thing. Let's love God, desire to hear Him (or ask Him to instill in us a desire to hear Him) and love eachother. Let's fallow the things He speaks to us, whether that be through the bible or through His voice unto our hearts.
Monday, May 21, 2007
in us, through us, despite us
"He’s working in us and through us despite us. " – Nate Streed
This is something I am coming to terms with in my life. God is working in us and through us despite us. Despite our slugish ways, we are His vessels. Just broken ones. But as Jim Erickson said a few weeks back in his sermon at City Hill, "There is no plan b. We're it."
Something for you to ponder today. Not everyone is right in their thinking or theology. As a matter of fact I can assure you that most of us are wrong—but God has grace for that. We are it, despite how much we suck a majority of the time He uses us to teach others, and to teach ourselves through His Holy Spirit. And what a good God He is.
And on another note that relates back to that.... take a look at these cartoons I got from Dan Kimball via Dan Wilt's Blog. Pretty interesting... food for thought.

This is something I am coming to terms with in my life. God is working in us and through us despite us. Despite our slugish ways, we are His vessels. Just broken ones. But as Jim Erickson said a few weeks back in his sermon at City Hill, "There is no plan b. We're it."
Something for you to ponder today. Not everyone is right in their thinking or theology. As a matter of fact I can assure you that most of us are wrong—but God has grace for that. We are it, despite how much we suck a majority of the time He uses us to teach others, and to teach ourselves through His Holy Spirit. And what a good God He is.
And on another note that relates back to that.... take a look at these cartoons I got from Dan Kimball via Dan Wilt's Blog. Pretty interesting... food for thought.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dan Wilt posts some really interesting stuff on his blog. I have been reading it a lot latley.
check this out.
check this out.
Friday, May 11, 2007
ridding ourselves of the line
I go through music phases. One day I will be listening to primarily christian worship albums—nothing overly exciting, just the usual. Then, I get into a stage of listening to secular music. What I find disheartening about music, and society is general is this vast need for terminology and segregation. Why can't music just be music? Why does there have to be this split? There is so much awesome-spiritual-music out there by people who are considered "secular artist", and there is that line that divides "us from them". God asks us to be set apart, but He also asks us to be part of this world. In the world but not of it.
I personally want my music to minister to everyone, not something contingent on a person’s spiritual journey. And if you think about it, every person in the world is on a spiritual journey. There is no segregating line. All that is black and white is whether we are actively choosing God, or actively choosing everything but God, and in that we are set apart.
I am seeing more and more today this line of segregation. "Let's go out and save the heathens." We all are heathens. There need not be a line drawn in the sand. Maybe there is a stage of our spiritual walk where we are called to be in close community with other believes a majority of our time (and by no means am I saying that it is wrong to be in close community with people who share your values, beliefs and spiritual fervor) but there is another time where we are set apart to be in the world but not of the world. To rid ourselves of that line and embrace humanity in the beauty of its brokenness.
I personally want my music to minister to everyone, not something contingent on a person’s spiritual journey. And if you think about it, every person in the world is on a spiritual journey. There is no segregating line. All that is black and white is whether we are actively choosing God, or actively choosing everything but God, and in that we are set apart.
I am seeing more and more today this line of segregation. "Let's go out and save the heathens." We all are heathens. There need not be a line drawn in the sand. Maybe there is a stage of our spiritual walk where we are called to be in close community with other believes a majority of our time (and by no means am I saying that it is wrong to be in close community with people who share your values, beliefs and spiritual fervor) but there is another time where we are set apart to be in the world but not of the world. To rid ourselves of that line and embrace humanity in the beauty of its brokenness.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I went for a ride at lebanon last night. I really dig riding by myself. I find that place of solitude and peace even if there are other riders out there. I ran into my ex—kindof. It's good to know there are no hard feelings there. It is true proof that God does heal your heart in though situations.
I have to exercise a degree of self controll at work these days. They unblocked myspace, youtube, facebook, et al and I have this desperate urge to start logging into all my accounts at work. They unblocked them but are still monitoring our use of them because God forbid we actually have the slightest bit of entertainment while at work. However I am trying to be a bit more respectful while on my way out the door here at my job. It's just a matter of months and then I will be flying high, spreading my wings and doing my own thing (and getting a tattoo to match).
More details to come later.
I have to exercise a degree of self controll at work these days. They unblocked myspace, youtube, facebook, et al and I have this desperate urge to start logging into all my accounts at work. They unblocked them but are still monitoring our use of them because God forbid we actually have the slightest bit of entertainment while at work. However I am trying to be a bit more respectful while on my way out the door here at my job. It's just a matter of months and then I will be flying high, spreading my wings and doing my own thing (and getting a tattoo to match).
More details to come later.
Monday, May 07, 2007
what's up with all this terminology?
ter·mi·nol·o·gy (tûr'mə-nŏl'ə-jē) Pronunciation Key n. pl. ter·mi·nol·o·gies The vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art; nomenclature.
Churches these days are full of what I call the "system". This is disheartening to me because this said "system" puts a lot of things in a box. God doesn't like boxes. Jesus fought against this same system. However on the other hand, terminology is used in the most basic means of communication. You wouldn't really understand what I was typing if we didn't put it in terms that make sense to you. So where is that line drawn?
I just watched a video on the Missional Church Movement and the Emergent vs. Emerging Churches. In the western culture church there are too many terms to be put up next to a church. Missional, Emergent, Reformed, Reformed-Charismatic, Emerging. When did it become so important to make a church just one of these things? I submit to you that the church today is maybe supposed to be all of these things. That we do focus on God being a sovereign and supreme being who is the author and finisher of our lives, that he does desire us to move with His Holy Spirit in an outward expression (charismatic, if you will), that He does desire us to be community oriented or "missional"... the ideal church should be all of these things, and more. So why give a church just one term? Why just one name?
Churches these days are full of what I call the "system". This is disheartening to me because this said "system" puts a lot of things in a box. God doesn't like boxes. Jesus fought against this same system. However on the other hand, terminology is used in the most basic means of communication. You wouldn't really understand what I was typing if we didn't put it in terms that make sense to you. So where is that line drawn?
I just watched a video on the Missional Church Movement and the Emergent vs. Emerging Churches. In the western culture church there are too many terms to be put up next to a church. Missional, Emergent, Reformed, Reformed-Charismatic, Emerging. When did it become so important to make a church just one of these things? I submit to you that the church today is maybe supposed to be all of these things. That we do focus on God being a sovereign and supreme being who is the author and finisher of our lives, that he does desire us to move with His Holy Spirit in an outward expression (charismatic, if you will), that He does desire us to be community oriented or "missional"... the ideal church should be all of these things, and more. So why give a church just one term? Why just one name?
Friday, May 04, 2007
First of all... just look at these photos... and then imagine living in a place that has all of this stuff...... Maybe you have never experianced this—but have you ever made plans to do something, told everyone about those plans and then backed out of doing them? Well I have. So that is why I am leary of mentioning anything more about these photos. I am however looking into a school, and I really want to go but I am not sure about it. However I will keep dreaming, praying and thinking about it.... untill then I will lovingly stair at these photos.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
knowledge of the heart
It's been a while since I've posted, hasn't it? I've been busy.
Okay okay maybe not, I just havn't had much to blog about. I'm trying to keep this blog "about" something, and I havn't had much to report in the department of christian theology, or worship. I'm just living life. There is a lot on my plate at the moment about what I will be doing and where I will be living within the next few months but nothing is official so I don't want to make a big fuss about it only to backout at the last second. let's just say the engines are churning and something sweet is being cooked up.
I am officially over my crush. It's a good feeling, actually. Now I can totally focus on Jesus without having a guy get in the way. And sometimes as unfortunate as it is dorky, no-big-deal crushes on guys after a breakup help the mending process. I wish that Jesus could be enough of a help to that process, but at times I avert my attention to another guy so I don't think about the ex so much, avert but don't act. But now, I don't think about the ex much nor do I even care about mr. crush-boaz-jesus lover. It's good. I'm happy in my singleness. It's the right place for me. I have so much I am going to do while I am single that God couldn't do if I was married.
I am learning that life is about the journey, not the destination. Cliche', right? Well no matter how cheesey and cliche' it sounds—it's truth. I am so tunnel visioned. I get so focused on the outcome of something, and getting to that outcome that I miss what it takes to get there. I now have the head knowledge drilled into me; it's good to have goals but we can't forget the now. So now I am learning to make it a reality not just a theory that I know in my head. And even more, I need it to turn even more into knowledge of the heart.
Okay okay maybe not, I just havn't had much to blog about. I'm trying to keep this blog "about" something, and I havn't had much to report in the department of christian theology, or worship. I'm just living life. There is a lot on my plate at the moment about what I will be doing and where I will be living within the next few months but nothing is official so I don't want to make a big fuss about it only to backout at the last second. let's just say the engines are churning and something sweet is being cooked up.
I am officially over my crush. It's a good feeling, actually. Now I can totally focus on Jesus without having a guy get in the way. And sometimes as unfortunate as it is dorky, no-big-deal crushes on guys after a breakup help the mending process. I wish that Jesus could be enough of a help to that process, but at times I avert my attention to another guy so I don't think about the ex so much, avert but don't act. But now, I don't think about the ex much nor do I even care about mr. crush-boaz-jesus lover. It's good. I'm happy in my singleness. It's the right place for me. I have so much I am going to do while I am single that God couldn't do if I was married.
I am learning that life is about the journey, not the destination. Cliche', right? Well no matter how cheesey and cliche' it sounds—it's truth. I am so tunnel visioned. I get so focused on the outcome of something, and getting to that outcome that I miss what it takes to get there. I now have the head knowledge drilled into me; it's good to have goals but we can't forget the now. So now I am learning to make it a reality not just a theory that I know in my head. And even more, I need it to turn even more into knowledge of the heart.
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