Friday, February 09, 2007

Raging Against the Machine

It's interesting to watch real estate professionals. My initial impression of people in the real estate business is that they are very self centered, money driven people. Not all of them, however I think a majority of them are. There is a broker support meeting here today at my association and it is interesting to watch the dynamic between all the brokers. It makes me think of MORC and how the people on the board interact with one-another. Everyone is really—cool with one-another. They are all friendly, almost like they spend a lot of time together outside of work. And maybe they do. It's interesting because I forget that a lot of these people are passionate about what they are doing for a living, just like I am passionate about cycling.

I got my facebook blocked at work. It was retaliation against supposed downloading I did on my freshly re-built PC in the office. Funny thing is, I didn't download anything; at least not intentionally. Funny how IT guys think they run the world. I was really upset about it yesterday because I felt like my integrity as an employee here was getting messed with. Like I wasn't able to be trusted with a computer and certain privileges; they didn't believe me when I said I didn't download anything. I do this thing when I drive; it was birthed out of me wishing my car was a 5-speed. I put my right hand on the shifter. Sometimes as I drive and I'm listening to some really good music I hit the shifter with my hand along to the beat. I bet you are thinking, "What the heck does this have to do with the IT guys in your office?" Well, I was so pissed off after I left work yesterday that I blasted Rage Against the Machine (because clearly the man had gotten me down) and pounded that shifter till my hand was numb. Any harder and I think I could've broken bones in my hand. It was ridiculous. I then got home from work and stomped around the house for a bit. Anything to get my anger out. I'm kind of a stress baker, so then I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Ha. Those cookies however are dual purpose; stress driven and made for "certain people". It was an interesting night. But I chilled out after a while. I am however going to talk to my boss about it today because if I don't the IT guys will think I actually downloaded that crap onto my computer.

Allow me to rock fist this one....

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