What a great trip. I couldn't have asked for better travel buddies! MarthaJoy and Nora are rockstars! Now... you can't start a trip without starbucks. It is essential. So we went to starbucks and of course then went camera happy.
The first leg of the trip was sooo much fun. We went to Sonic (because Nora has an undying obsession with the Sonic Burger) and to the Kum and Go station where I bough lighters. We drove from 6:00am to 8:30pm. The drive was long but when you have two amazing people with you it seems quick.
We stayed in Parker, CO at my Aunt and Uncles house. They were gone on a cruise for the majority of the time so we had a cute little house all to ourselves. Parker is a suburb of Denver so we were pretty close to civilization, but far enough out the see some of the cooler stuff in the state. Every morning we would venture onto Mainstreet in Parker and get coffee at this little hole in the wall coffee shop. There is also a Lemstone Christian Bookstore that we went to where I bought an amazingly true bumper sticker for angelina (the name of my car, if you didn't know already...) Here are some photos for you...
After we sat at the coffee shop and decided what to do with the rest of our day we went to Castlerock Canyon Statepark. Uhm.... rock. That's what i've got to say about that one. Such a cool place to be. After we found our spot on the rocks there we sat for what seemed like hours and just talked. Serious talk, funny talk... we covered it all. It was amazing. I feel like the whole trip was a time to really dig in deep into eachothers lives and get to the nitty gritty. We laughed, and laughed so hard we cried (you will see photographic evidance of that later) and just lived. It was the best time—a God time—for us. It was the best way to send Nora off on her DTS for YWAM. We then ventured into Denver for dinner at Chubby's. My buddy Jeff whom I went to highschool with moved out to Denver a while back so he came to dinner with us and took us to the 16th street mall which is like Nicollet Mall but uhm, yea... way sweeter. I saw a dude on a track bike and I wanted to steal it. We also went to REI in downtown and it was like dying and going to heaven because it had a starbucks in it! Two of the greatest things in life found in one location. Three thumbs up to that one...
Day two we went into Colorado Springs. We were there literally all day long. We went to church at New Life (who put on an amazing, spirit-filled service), went into lodo (lower-downtown) and sat in the park, went to Garden of the God's, ate dinner at Applebee's, took photos in a parking lot, then we split ways and I went to my cousin Jareds band's show at The Black Sheep and Nora and MarthaJoy took my car and ventured to... guess where... starbucks.
Here are some photos of the band...
We got home in the middle of the night and decided to take a steam (my aunt and uncle have a steam shower thingy....) As the three of is sat in there steaming, Nora said it was "like eating eucalyptus!" Then she pretended to eat the steam. It was funny. That last night before we took Nora to Arvada for her DTS we all slept in the tiniest best, laughed really hard, loved, and were real with eachother. It was like finding yourself. I think I found a bit more of myself on this trip—who I am made to be for Jesus—how the enemy will try his hardest to keep me from fulfilling my destiny in God—how I don't need a man to be whole—how to be a worshipper—that I am a force to be reckoned with. God taught me a lot, and broke me even more on this trip. He gave me a desperate desire to be holy and pure and refined for Him.
When we were in Costa Rica on the last night we went down to the cabana and toasted, with virgin margarittas in hand "to margaritta's and great fajitta's." We did that on this last trip. We toasted to adventure. To life. To Nora. To friends. To Jesus.
Then we sent nora off.....
Then drove 100 mph toward home! (where i got a warning in Iowa...hehehehe.)
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