I work at the Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS®. I have heard from a variety of people about how I am "already in the real world." well, I am. However sometimes I feel really—left out. I look at all these people who I went to high school with, who I went to church with, who I grew up with and they are at school. And here I am, working. Don't get me wrong, working is great. Making money is great. Having a new car and awesome bikes are great. And being financially secure is great. But I will be working probably for the next 40 years of my life. I see these people who are in class, being enriched and educated and I feel judged. "Hi. I'm Brianna—the 20 year old who works in an office. The 20 year old who dropped out of college the first semester because she sucked at math so much. The 20 year old that lost focus. The 20 year old that will be stuck in a cube farm for the rest of her life."
That's what I hear sometimes.
I want so much more than this. I want to travel. To see the world. To change things. To meet people I've never met before. To invest in people. To play music. To make art. To learn history. To see things that no one else have seen before and to step foot in a place secret, ancient and forgotten by the world around us. I was made for more than sitting behind a computer all day long, answering phones, punching holes, saying "have a good day" with a semi-fake and jealous smile because that person who I just told to have a good day gets to walk out that door while I sit here and do whatever it is I am doing.
I know I wont be here the rest of my life. I know that because I desire more than this, I will get more than this. I know that working in this beloved "cube farm" isn't actually bad. It isn't worthless, and the people that do the same things day in and day out aren’t worthless either. There is beauty in the ordinary that I think a lot of us miss from day to day. The beauty of comfort and security. So many people think it's boring and too planned out. But to be so secure in yourself, or in my case, so secure in my God that I can wake up day to day at 6:30 a.m. and fast track it to the bathroom in a mad rush to get out the door by 7:17 at the latest (because any later means I will be stuck in the worst a.m. traffic know to mankind). I can sit here from day to day and do whatever I put my hand to, and do it well; to do this takes courage. People miss the beauty in that.
I miss the beauty in that. I think "this isn't adventure, this isn't life changing, or earth shaking." But what is? Do we need a world war, a genocide, men and women getting raped, children getting aborted, huge mountains to be climbed and conquered, nuclear weapons to be built, or fill in the noble _____ here? Do we need those things to change the world? To be caught up in something bigger than ourselves? To shake someone to their core? Do we need that?
The answer undoubtedly is in fact, Yes. Yes we do need something noble to live for and something noble to stand for. But the examples I gave are not the everyday occurrences. It is however, just as noble for me to make eye contact, smile and tell that crabby REALTOR® to "have a good day", and actually mean it. That right there, could be life changing and could shake any of us to our core.