Maybe I would say something like, "I feel safe with you, ____ (insert name here)."
Then, after this declaration of said thing, in this case, safety, has been said, I get this sort of attack a few days later. It tends to be a Tuesday that this happens. (Maybe that's weird to you but if you knew my routine it would seem normal.... never mind.) Fleeting thoughts of how I'm "not really safe" or "I can't trust anyone with my safety but myself" come to mind. And I have to fight it. And it sucks. However for the first time in a while, I have fought off this type of worry in a proactive way. I use communication, trust and vulnerability to better my situation. Instead of pretending like I haven’t thought about the lack of safety, being scared, etc., I do in fact talk about it. It's hard, but it's totally worth it. Being open and in communication with the people who mean a lot to you is in fact really, really important and I am happy to be getting better at it with each passing day.
The UK.
I am thinking a lot about how I want to travel. Specifically to the UK. I have decided to set aside the next couple of years of my life to do stuff that maybe I wouldn't be able to do otherwise. Travel is one of them. I won't give away what I want to do in the UK just yet, and I am not sure it will only be the United Kingdom (could throw in some Germany, Latvia, well anywhere in Europe actually) but I have a strong feeling it's going to happen within the next year. And it wont just be any old trip.

Bob Sorge is this really cool dude that really loves God. He wrote the book "Exploring Worship". Funny story about him. Well actually, sad story. He was quite the rocker in his day, and then became quite the worship leader until one day he totally lost his voice. Like, his voice is all raspy and they don't really know why. So now, he can't do the whole singing thing, and his voice is super raspy when he talks. It's sad. Either way, I want to read this book. It's on my list of things to do. My buddy Robert went to school in Texas and has this book leftover (it was one of his text books). So I plan on commandeering it from him and reading it. I have a strong desire to be raised up in worship leading in the church so if I can get my hands on any good literature, I will. I am really interested in Christian worship theology as well. So after I read this book I want to get into something’s that are even deeper. I don't know what those things are but heh, I'll figure it out.

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