Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A True Testimony

I am reminded over and over again that I have to choose my attitude. You know when people do things that just really piss you off, whether they know they are doing it or not, well I have to choose how I am going to react to that. I have a little saying that goes along with that.

"The true testimony of a person isn't only in their sin and story; it's how they react to someone elses sin and story in reguards to their life."
Whether you are liberal or conservative you can agree with me in this; People suck a majority of the time. We all do stupid things, say stupid things, want stupid things. We don't always choose what is good. People sin against one-another all the time whether knowingly or otherwise. There is just no pretending like it doesn't happen because it does. So then we have to choose. Knowing that we all suck a majority of the time gives us grace to choose not to punch ____ in the face for loosing your cd. Grace gives us the chance to choose to love your mom when she yells at you because you know the real reason she is yelling has nothing to do with you, but rather how someone else (usually her mom or dad) sinned against her.


This doesn't mean that we get walked all over, tho. There is a boundry and a limit. There isn't grace without personal responsability. It wouldn't make any sense. But we can't take personal responsability untill we realize how much we suck and how many bad choices we make a majority of our days.

It's a good thing I am revisiting this lesson in life right now, because I actually have to share my testimony at my church this weekend, and all that I just said above is my testimony. That's all a testimony is; a retelling of ones life account. People always put this negotive connotation with a testimony—like all they are going to talk about is Jesus and God. Don't get me wrong, there will be plenty of Jesus and God, but a majority of my testimony has to do with how I suck.

but He is good.

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