Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Day of Commercialized Love

Stupid made up holidays.

I decided to humor my office today by wearing something festive—aka, a red dress. I am never going to hear the end of it. But you know what else? I won't lie, I am a hopeless romantic. Normally I don't make a big deal about valentines day because eh, it's just a made up, commercialized holiday where men tend to spend money on woman who dont deserve gifts. However this year I am filled with some weird sense of joy. I have spent a majority of the morning on getty images looking at photos. I have turned sappy. Looing at photos of cute couples instead of working... gosh who am I? ha. And as I drove to work this morning I was thinking, "Hey what's my favorite love movie? The notebook? Serendipity?" Seriously what's the deal? Why am I thinking about this day and not being bitter, cynical and jaded? It's strange.

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