Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ice Race Photos

So, got some photos together from the Ice Race thanks to Dana Schoppe and JB. Here are a few for your viewing pleasure...

There is one of me crashing which i think is funny. The best tho is Katie and the dude that looks like he should work for Galactic Pizza. Ha.

If you want to see more photos check out link one and two.


Monday, January 29, 2007

It's a Monday

I have a new friend at the house. He's pretty sweet. Havn't named him yet, so we will just call him the super sweet spider. He (assuming he is a male) has been hanging around my folks house for about 2 weeks now. In the bathroom none the less. Everytime I am in there I see him hanging around on the walls or ceiling. It's pretty random and kindof funny that I havn't killed him yet but I mean come on, he hasn't tried to sneak his way into my mouth while I sleep over the past 2 weeks so I think he deserves to live another day.

Not much else going on around this part of the world. Work was boring as usual except on lunch break I heard this really good song about mondays on Jack FM that I wish I could remember the name of, it made me smile. Played some music with the cool kids tonight, that was really really fun. Nice to play with Judah again. Too bad it's his last week.

Excited for this weekend. Get to see the boy. Get to play music. Get to go to Shawn and Cherice's wedding on friday and dance the night away. Wait scratch that I don't dance. All is good in the land of Bri today.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The 80's, Sickness and Racin' on the Ice = One Glorious Weekend?

Holy Cow.

I am so sick. I went to St. Cloud on friday night and came home saturday morning sick. "How" you may ask? I blame the dry air. It was so super dry up there it hurt to breathe through my nose. It was unbelievable. However the trip to Cloud in and of itself was a sucess.

My grandpa turned 80 yesterday. 80 years. I can't imagine being alive that long. Maybe I will make it. He gave this speech at the end of dinner and we all started crying. It was hardcore. Soon after the family time, my sister and I ventured back to my folks house and drank some premium. We were going to go for some PBR Tall Boys but yea, the freaking liquor store in chaska is too good for PBR or something. Either way, I only had one, and she only had one (on top of 2 huge glasses of wine) and this is what the night looked like....

Yea it was a weird moment. But we had fun. My sister and I are pretty alike so we always have a good time. She then went and watched Strangers With Candy and I went to be because my cold was getting worse by the second and I wanted to be able to ride the next day.

So.... enter Chilly Chili Ice Race...

This was fun. Well, let's re-think this. Fun but painful? I was running only one studded tire because I gave my other to Hann-Yu. I did a test run of the track and fell two times before even making it to the middle point. My front tire held up just fine with the beefy homebrewed studs, but the rear was left slidding out left and right. The course was super twisty so what did i expect? to win first place? It was a humbling experiance because I think I am reasonably fast but I definatly didn't win the race.

as a matter of fact I didn't finish the race. The exact quote I said to Scott was,
"Give me a DNF and give me a beer!"
as I crossed the finish line.

I could've been a good sport about it and done my second lap but honestly, I got passed by the first, second and third place winners and it didn't make any sense to try and get yet another lap in if all I was going to do was slide out on the corners. I had a good gear ratio going tho; 34-20. it was perfect for on the ice and up the hill on the ridge. I could cruse through the snow just fine but it was that ice that got me. Either way, it was good. Very fun, nice to see lots of people, cold (a whole 1 degree mind you) but when you are next to a fire with friends, free stuff, beer and good entertainment life cant get much better than that.

This kid got first place in the B class...

What a creep. Noah is so damn fast I can't stand it. I think its because he weighs like 80 pounds. But seriously he won the B class while hung over and on 5 hours of sleep. Creep. Tom Mill and Scott whose last name I cant really remember right now got second and third. It was pretty hard core.

Hollywood got first, of course. He always does. Oh, and thanks to hollywood for the cheers while I went a whole 10 mph during the race.

Alright so maybe I am sick, and blogging from what feels like my death bed, but this weekend was great. Couldn't have asked for anything better.

Friday, January 26, 2007


I had an implosion last night.

Is that how you spell impolsion?

Either way.... I internalize everything. I am the master at not talking about things. And then when I don't talk about them, they turn into this big, ugly feeling in the pit of my stomache. That feeling remains for lets say, 2 weeks. See, the reason why it hangs out for so long.

I try and do it on my own. I try and deal with my feelings on my own. Or well, not deal with my feelings. I try and ignore them.

It's weird because i appreciate people who are blunt yet I can't really be too blunt myself. It's the persona of me not wanting to step on peoples toes. I don't want to be a disapointment.

My dad said it well last night (during my implosion), "Every day you will have to choose 'who am i going to disapoint today', because when it all comes down to it, you cant please everyone."

So I tried to work through my own irrational-anxiety-filled issues for a whole 2 weeks without really talking about them, and I then imploded.

it was fun! and by fun I mean it totally, totally sucked.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So it's been a while?

See, I don's use this blog nearly as much as my myspace blog. I don't know why. Maybe because myspace is easier, and people are more in contact that way?

Who knows? I don't.

What's the happs? Whats the update you ask? Well, there isn't much of one. Not riding my bike like I should be. But there is a race this sunday I will be doing. Called the Chilly Chili Ice Race put on by Salsa Cycles. I am sure I will get first.

and by first I mean last because I am SOOOO slow right now.

Met a boy. Oop wait let's call him a Man. Met a man. Now dating that man. He's a good one. But I don't want to jinx it so I won't say much else about that.

Just working a lot. Got a raise, got a semi-psudeo-promotion into the Marketing & Communications Department, which we lovingly call MARCOM. I love it thus far. They just sent me to an Adobe InDesign class which was awesome. I plan on attending at least 2 more classes and then start taking semester long courses at Hennipen Tech. Maybe I will start that this summer seeing that I missed the spring semester deadline.

I am sharing my testimony at my church come February 17th and 18th. Just so happens that those are the dates of Quality Bicycle Products FrostBike, which I was hoping to get into. Doesn't look like that is happening. I am a bit nervious about sharing with my whole church about my life, but I think it's time so I'm going to rack up the strength to do it, and do it right. Also, I am writting a lot of music at the time. Have 5 new songs. Six more and I could make an album, right?

Don't think that will be happening anytime soon. ha.

That's about it.

New Years Resolution: to blog on this sucker more.