Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Why do i have to ask permission?

There are some things that I would like to do without asking if it's okay. However on the other had, I want to respect people. But, there are some things I want to do that maybe freak people out? Don't get me wrong, I am not talking crazy here, I am just being vauge for the sake of being vauge. Well, more like I am being vauge because if I talk about it openly then I may as well do those things I want to without asking if they are okay.

this probably doesnt make any sense to any of you reading this.

and on a random side note. Everyone in my office only talks to me about biking. like, they cant think of any other small talk? I love cycling, yes, but I mean its not all I do. everyday, all day long there is one dude specifically that walks past my desk and says some off the cuff biking remark.
"Oop, too cold to go biking today isnt it?"
"Oh, so is there too much snow to bike, Brianna?"
"so did you and your crazy bike make it out this weekend?"

Oh, im sorry, I didnt realize all I did was bike. I didn't realize thats all anyone can talk about. its totally, totally lame.

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