Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm going to cover some different territory here.

So, I have this friend. His name is Paul. Paul is a cool dude. He also has a cool Dad. A few weeks back Paul told me to check out his Dad's blog, so I did. And I've been reading up on his adventure here and there and thought it needed to be shared with you all.

So, not that any of you care but I am cutting my hair today. Part of me wants to chop it out of spite for the entire male-gender—but that wouldn't be fair. So I can't really decide what to do with it. I am trying really hard to not be bitter, cynical and jaded (despite my mother already telling me I am) however when shocking things happen, you are shocked—sometimes causing that bitterness and angst to come out. Maybe not right but definatly justified. I'll just rely on forgiveness because hey, it's been established that I suck a majority of the time which means so do other people so I can have a little grace for that.

Still makes me want to punch people in the face though. [repent brianna, repent.]

I am getting some new road shoes for free. Thank you, Mara.

She posted up on the MORC Forum about how she got a pair of size 37 Diaora's for free and wanted to see if anyone wanted to take them off her hands. I won. Ha. Now I will have a pair of shoes for every bike (other than my bmx because those don't require clipless pedals.) I am excited because if I get these shoes then I will most likley be able to start skidding on my track bike (something I still cant really do....) So this could be glorious. Yay for free stuff.


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