Today I felt better than I have in the past 2 weeks. Not 100 percent by any means but getting there. I sat outside again and breathed in that fresh air. I wore a tank top. I didn't wear socks. I wore my minnesota necklace and I smiled. My heart is in this state. It is in this city. I want to see the world but more than anything I want a place to call home. This city; Chaska, is that. I decided to take some photos of my favorite places in Chaska.
I drove around with the windows down, blasting the Tegan and Sara. Tegan and Sara makes wonderful driving music. I drove on my favorite road. A road that smells like summer, and looks like the country. It's a dirt road that makes you forget about your worries. It makes you feel alive. It makes you remember to breathe.
When I was little I always went to my grandparents house and sat by this little lake.... It is one of my favorite spots to go and think, and the dirt road leads right to it. My cousin Danielle got purposed to there. It's a majestic-type of place where beauty is brought out in anyone or anything that goes there...
I have secret places. Secret, favorite places. These photographs show these places to you. Maybe I should keep them secret, but what would be the fun in that? They mean beauty to me and I want everyone else to feel beautiful so I would rather show them. These places are inviting. They are mine. They can be yours if you want them to.
When you want to feel like you are in the smallest town in the world go sit in downtown Chaska at the gazebo. This has been by far my favorite place. I will grab a cup of coffee, wear a pea coat and scarf and sit at the gazebo. You can think there. You can rest there. You can even read there. It's hecktick with cars rolling by, but it is a place where you can think. It's a good place...
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