Saturday, March 24, 2007

You know that scene in V for Vendetta when Natalie Portman steps outside after being released from the prison and just let's the rain and fresh air wash over her? I felt like that today. I have been couped up for almost a week now. I have not stepped outside. Havn't really even moved from this couch. But today I went out on my porch and just breathed. It was such a good smell. I love spring.

I got a phone call from a boy last night. He sounds like he's from New York, and I kinda like it. This boy once had mono, and has called and emailed me to see how I've been doing and keeping me entertained. I don't know what the deal is, but he's a nice guy. I've known him for well over 2 years so it's not like he's anyone new. But I don't really know him. But if he's going for the relationship thing I won't be able to do that. To the best of my knowledge he doesn't love Jesus and that is the most important thing to me. And my heart definatly isn't fully healed from this past relationship. My dad and I had a good talk about relationships on thursday night. He made some valid points and we talked about what I need to do as a woman in a relationship. I have definatly grown from this past relationship that's for sure. So if I can take one good thing away from it, it would be that.

Colorado in less than a week... let's hope I am well!

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