Wednesday, March 07, 2007

1, 2, 3...

Wow I am such a blogger. Who really blogs everyday? Well let me tell you—I do.

I have a few things to report.

  1. My mom said she was going to buy me a brick with the "Suck" on it. For the past few days I have been saying "I am going to get a brick, write the word suck on it and chuck it through someones window." So I'm excited for my Mom to embrace the "Chop" buy purchasing me a brick and artisticly writting the word suck on it. Way to go Mom, way to go.
  2. I asked my boss for 3 days off at the end of this month to venture to Colorado to drop Nora off at her DTS. She didn't only give me the okay, but she said "my thoughts on this would be for you to enjoy your time off." I guess you have to read the email to understand, but she doesn't offten say stuff like that. So I am excited. Now I just need to call my uncle and see if we can crash at his house for 2 nights.
  3. I am in the debating process of what schooling I want to go back for. The choices are worship school to learn music theory, christian music theology, etc. or stick around this part of the world and go to Hennepin Tech for Graphic Design with an emphesis in page layout and publishing. I want to do both of these things but I can't figure out which one should come first.

So that's the story.

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