Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jumping From One to the Next, eh?

I guess I need a new blog. I havn't really blogged since monday and it's thursday! Been too busy to I guess. Or maybe nothing has been going on.

oh that's not true LOTS have happened in the past few days.

Thursday is date day. Went on a lunch date. It was a good one. Won't go into much detail because eh, I don't really feel like it. But let me tell you this. Guys, when you take a girl out you don't have to be witty the entire time. Unless you are just trying to get in her pants—that's a different story (and a dead give-away) but if you are genuinely interested then act like you are.

Tonight I am going to hang out with Paul. I will probably sit in his room and watch him play with Adobe Illustrator, but honestly that is one of the best ways to spend a thursday night! I like Paul. He is a genuine kinda guy.

I have decided that I don't think I want to really be in a relationship right now. I feel like I have just been jumping from one to the next to the next. When I was in highschool I was single for most of it. Now that I've been out of highschool for a while I feel like all I have been in is relationships. Now is the time to embrace my singleness so why-freaking-not? Yea, I'll go on a lunch date here and there but when it comes down to it I don't want anything serious. Serious always nipps me in the butt, you know? It always comes back to haunt you. So again I go back to this stage where if I meet someone worth being serious with I might go for it—but I'll be darn careful. I am sick of mistakes. I am sick of not getting what I deserve in a serious relationship. It's time for a change. Maybe that sounds cocky or strong willed, and it may be a little bit of both but I am honest about it.

So I leave bright and early tomorrow morning for Colorado. I am soooooo excited. Nora, MarthaJoy and I will be hitting the road bright and early at 6:00 am! We are staying for free at my uncles in Parker, CO and they will be out of town so we have the house all to ourselves. We are going to do a day in the Springs and a day in Denver then drive Nora into Arvada where she will be doing a 4 Month DTS with YWAM. I am so excited for her. God is going to do some amazing things in her and with her in these next months. It's funny because I feel like my girls (MarthaJoy and Nora) always leave me to go and do these amazing things in the summer—and I mean they do—but I will be here in Minnesota doing some amazing things myself. This summer will be fun for all of us, I am just so pleased to be driving Nora out to the start of her new adventure and spending those last moments with her. She and MarthaJoy are in fact my two best friends so this should be an amazing trip. Keep a look out for a photo blog!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And why would you want to limit yourself in a relationship? You're young, beautiful, logical, intuitive and intelligent. You have so much going for you right now. Enjoy the ride. Ride the bike. Live in the moment, but always keep the door open just a crack. Don't ever get yourself into a situation where you have to depend on anyone, male or female, but especially male, to make you happy.

You're only 20. You still have an entire life to live. There will be plenty of time down the trail for relationships, when you're ready. Until then, live free, live high, do it 'til you die.
