Sunday, March 11, 2007

One of the harder weekends.

Let's start with friday, shall we? I was supposed to hangout with my good friend Kevin, he however was busy. So Nora and I went on an adventure.

A bicycle adventure.

Nora just started a new job at Quality Bicycle Products. It is one of the nations leading bicycle distrubutors. Either way, she doesn't own a bike. Only parts. When you work at QBP you can demo bikes. She got a Surly Cross Check to demo and I took her on her first road bike ride. We took the greenway starting at 29th and Bryant, down to Hiawath Ave. into downtown Minneapolis; Washington Ave. to Hennepin Ave. to 9th Street to LaSalle Ave. back into uptown. It was a good ride. The temperature was about 40 degrees, and the puddles of water from the day were starting to feeze over. We ran into Jay "Hollywood" Henderson on the way, and as he approached me he told me to "not slip on the ice."

I did. He always has a way of seeing me fall on my butt when I ride. It's kindof lame.

I woke up saturday morning with one swollen eye, one swollen gland, one clogged nose and a sore body. Nora came over and we made Sour Cream-raspeberry-choclate muffins from scratch. We also went to target where I sucessfully found a new pair of aviators for $5.99. I went to church on saturday feeling like complete crap. I pretty much had a metal break down. I started crying and couldn't stop for a good 45 minutes because I was so overwhelmed. I felt ill prepared to lead worship, my song list wasn't the right one, my heart hurt (emotionally, not literally), my head hurt, and I couldn't move my eyes without feeling pain. It was weird. My worship team helped my pull through. They prayed for me, we got a good set list put together and did worship. It was the hardest weekend of church worship I have ever done. I had to compart-mentalize my feelings for the greater good of the congregation. It's a tough thing to do. I then went to MarthaJoys and we ate pizza and watched Stranger than Fiction (fyi, see that movie. It's sooo good one.) I cried all the way home from her house and didn't really know why.

I tossed and turned in my sleep all night Saturday. For the past few days I had been sleeping on the couch. When I don't want to think about things I sleep in front of the TV to keep my mind from going crazy with thoughts but last night I actually slept in my bed. It was a hard night, and loosing an hour of sleep didn't make it easier.

I woke up today and my head still killed. Now both my eyes were swollen. I took some meds and went into church where we rocked our worship set. That was pretty sweet. Came home, slept from noon to 5 on the couch. Woke up and went back to church to present some graphic design ideas for GEER; City Hill Fellowship's youth group.

Came home. Now I am watching CSI. Woo hoo. Eyes still swollen, gland still swollen, head still pounding. I think I am going to call in sick to work tomorrow.

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