Saturday, April 07, 2007

I love Jesus. I love my friends. I love my family (rocky included). I love singing. I love trying to sing in the shower only to realize that the moisture and echo makes it hard to stay in key. I love comfort food. I love the sound a vaccume makes when it sucks up small pebbles. I love rocking out in my car while wearing aviators. I love driving on country roads. I love blue grass. I love listening to death cab for cutie with the windows rolled down. I love the presence of God. I love sleeping with the window open a crack--just enough so you can smell the cool fresh air in the winter time but you are still warm because you have 700 blankets piled on top of you. I love being able to go to a party and not get drunk. I love desiring what is holy and ordained by God. I love being real with people. I love having deep conversations about things that matter. I love bikes. I love white industry freewheels that are too expensive and make an awesome clicking noise when you coast. I love mountain biking. I love my single speed. I love that if I ask, God will provide me with a husband who mountain bikes. I love that He has given me a heart to not care, tho. I love that God is giving me a heart for children (because if you know me, you know I hate kids). I love the smell of Chapstick Brand Chapstick (with the black label) because it smells like my dad. I love my dad. I love my mom. Ah, I love a lot.

Sometimes you need to remember what you love, as to not take it for granted.

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