Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ministry vs. Market Place

I have this never ending urge in my heart to be a worshipper. It came out of my heart at age seven. I can remember it clear as day. I walked into church, and it was real worship of the living God. People were worshipping in spirit and in truth, and even at seven something clicked in me and I heard God call me by name to a lifestyle of worship.

Worship unto God is a posture of your heart. It isn't the music that you play, the cd's you listen to, the songs you sing in church. Those things are just our foul attempt at worshipping the living God.

"Worship is not simply an external act, though the expression of it can and should be very physical, but comes from our center. Worship can be defined as our spirit surrendering to and communing with God's Spirit. To worship in truth is to know who God truly is..."
Brian Doerksen, Vineyard Worshipper and Worship Leader

Since I was young I felt a calling not only of worship, but to be a worship leader on my life. For the longest time I wanted to do that as a "career" if you will. That feeling, the wanting to be a worship missionary—to go to places and minister to hurt and broken people through music still lingers in my soul. I desire that as my life more and more. How does one attain that? Do I drop everything and go to school for worship leading? Do I stick around here, minister at my local church and see where God takes me? Do I go to school for something "market place-oriented" and have a secular career while still doing ministry on the side? These are the struggles of my day—to hear God's clear voice in this all and do His will for my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get sucked into the trap that you can have a secular materialistic life AND serve God. Those that truly understand the message that Jesus was trying to get across would never be caught in one of these suburban mega-churches. If Jesus were here now he would be knocking over the cappuccino machines in their "sanctuary". The biggest problem with the world (and especially the U.S.) right now is that too many people think it is ok to call themselves Christian, but do nothing in their life to serve his purpose. The only real hope is to leave the city and avoid the media.